Amazon Warrior Lovers
Voda JE PRE BOJOVNÍKA vzor a veľký učiteľ.
Je ako žena.
Je mäkká a mäkké prekonáva tvrdé.
Je natoľko prispôsobivá, že sa bez námahy dostane všade. Nie je možné jej ublížiť zbraňou, nie je možné ju zastaviť. Vždy si nájde cestu.
Voda nekladie odpor, prispôsobuje sa korytu, ktorým preteká.
Nie je stále rovnaká, mení sa. Z ľadu na vodu a z vody na paru. Je v neustálom kolobehu.
Prema Leo, Oko bojovníka
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water and hugging each others.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water and hugging each others.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water and hugging each others.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint standing in the water and hugging each others.
Young male and female warriors with perfect bodyes and war paint jumping out of water and hugging each others.